Monday 25 February 2008

All good things must come to an end

I've put off writing this final blog entry for long enough. I don't think I'd ever be able to adequately end my stories of time in Africa but all good things must come to an end.

Firstly, thank you if you have been faithfully following my adventures from the beginning (Dec 2005, I think), through the preparations and then finally heading down to South Africa, settling in and adjusting to life down there and then the challenges and joys of being in that country, all leading to today when I find myself back in the UK, transformed by what I've experienced and thankful to God for looking after me (and everyone else) during these past 18 months.

So what have been the highlights...

Hmm, FAR too many to name, but here are 10 of them (not in any particular order):

1. Getting to know so many wonderful and special children
2. Living in a ramshackle place with overgrown garden complete with dogs, cats, frogs and sheep!
3. Learning and appreciating Zulu and the culture
4. Falling in and out of love (only once or twice!)
5. Getting to know Jude Law
6. the beach and the Indian Ocean (the British seaside just can't compare)
7. Baby N, the joys and sadness when one you love is HIV+
8. filming, photographing and just hanging out with the people in the valleys who are so hospitable and dignified despite having practically nothing.
9. getting up close and personal with lion cubs, monkeys, giraffes
10. singing in Zulu with the kids at Sunday morning church service

There is SO much more. Maybe I should write a book?

In any case, my job now is to settle back into life here in the UK. I'm moving back to Leamington Spa, just need a job and house and all will be well. (Oh and a husband would be nice too, but let's not rush things!)

I will forever talk about 'my' kids in Africa and will stay in touch with them. It's impossible to forget such wonderful creations as Ga, Marcus, Amahle, Zinhle, Mphikeleli and many many more. THEY are the future of South Africa and I pray a safe, peaceful and happy future for them.

If you know me personally, please stay in touch, I'm on facebook and I believe the blogging community has all but translocated there. If you don't know me personally, but would like to, a little bit of backtracking to my other blog should bring you an email address. Feel free to contact me, but only if you are nice and positive.

I'm not actually allowed to write where I worked, but please remember them in prayer. It's unbelievable how difficult it can be to get support locally in South Africa but they need it, especially with donations of food and the like. It's all very well us giving from the Northern Hemisphere, but that takes a while to get there.

Anyway, enough.... Thank you - Ngiyabonga kakhulu

If I ever head back out, I'm sure I'll reactivate this blog, but until then - hambani kahle - go well and see you in the real world one day maybe!

Love from Caroline xxx

Monday 11 February 2008


Am writing this from home in the UK. It's good to be back.

Uneventful journey, but long. I managed to sleep a decent amount, watch a movie that is not being released in the UK that I wanted to see (Gone Baby Gone - excellent movie) and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by the sunshine in Birmingham!

And so the transition is going well, with daily sunshine I think I'll survive. It's rather cold though here isn't it? This really is the land of fluffy dressing gowns, gloves and scarves (although not all at the same time!)

I've enjoyed meeting my 2nd niece and being reunited with niece #1, catching up with family & friends and luxuries like central heating and clean running water. It's SO easy to take these things for granted. Clothes that I put into the wardrobe 2 years ago don't smell bad... it's amazing!

In any case, I will blog again soon with thoughts about having left Africa etc, I just wanted to post something to say I'm back safely and all is well. Am making spectacularly good progress at adjusting so far. This is my 3rd 're-entry' experience and so I'm well prepared for dark days, but so far (and maybe this is thanks to the lovely clear sunny weather) I'm doing good.

Thanks for your prayers for this, much appreciated.

More soon...

Saturday 2 February 2008

The home stretch...

It's Saturday morning in Durban and I'm hot, it's about 35 degrees and humid...
This time next week I might be building a snowman (that would be great!!!)

So the home stretch starts... things are speeding up here and suddenly there are a million things to do before I leave. I need prayer for energy for the last few days...

Am SO ready to leave though. The heat is getting to me a little. I've sold my car (turns out it was a potential deathtrap after all - I always said I was getting around by prayer and I was right!) I've now got a hire car for my last week and was fortunate to be given a brand new VW polo which is turning heads all over site! Nice.

Can't drink my water anymore as the tank was full of translucent worms... now been sorted but still a little horrible...


Well I'm in a rush now too but I'm looking forward to being at home, I'll be arriving in the UK on Friday morning after a brief visit of a few hours to Dubai. Will blog again when I've recovered from the journey..

now it's off to buy things for my leaving party with the kids this afternoon..