Monday 11 February 2008


Am writing this from home in the UK. It's good to be back.

Uneventful journey, but long. I managed to sleep a decent amount, watch a movie that is not being released in the UK that I wanted to see (Gone Baby Gone - excellent movie) and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by the sunshine in Birmingham!

And so the transition is going well, with daily sunshine I think I'll survive. It's rather cold though here isn't it? This really is the land of fluffy dressing gowns, gloves and scarves (although not all at the same time!)

I've enjoyed meeting my 2nd niece and being reunited with niece #1, catching up with family & friends and luxuries like central heating and clean running water. It's SO easy to take these things for granted. Clothes that I put into the wardrobe 2 years ago don't smell bad... it's amazing!

In any case, I will blog again soon with thoughts about having left Africa etc, I just wanted to post something to say I'm back safely and all is well. Am making spectacularly good progress at adjusting so far. This is my 3rd 're-entry' experience and so I'm well prepared for dark days, but so far (and maybe this is thanks to the lovely clear sunny weather) I'm doing good.

Thanks for your prayers for this, much appreciated.

More soon...