Saturday 2 February 2008

The home stretch...

It's Saturday morning in Durban and I'm hot, it's about 35 degrees and humid...
This time next week I might be building a snowman (that would be great!!!)

So the home stretch starts... things are speeding up here and suddenly there are a million things to do before I leave. I need prayer for energy for the last few days...

Am SO ready to leave though. The heat is getting to me a little. I've sold my car (turns out it was a potential deathtrap after all - I always said I was getting around by prayer and I was right!) I've now got a hire car for my last week and was fortunate to be given a brand new VW polo which is turning heads all over site! Nice.

Can't drink my water anymore as the tank was full of translucent worms... now been sorted but still a little horrible...


Well I'm in a rush now too but I'm looking forward to being at home, I'll be arriving in the UK on Friday morning after a brief visit of a few hours to Dubai. Will blog again when I've recovered from the journey..

now it's off to buy things for my leaving party with the kids this afternoon..