Monday 5 November 2007

And on a supernatural note…

Spiritually, things have really opened up here this past week, in quite a dramatic fashion. It’s been quite a week. First thing that happened was on Tuesday when we received reports that one of the young Zulu guys had been taken ill suddenly, seemingly having had a stroke. I went down with my car to take him to the Drs, as he’s a good friend of mine. But on arrival I realised that this was something spiritual and he didn’t need a Dr, he needed prayer.
Pretty much all the Zulus on site gathered as well as our director and I to see what could be done. Most of the dialogue was in Zulu and I could only understand about half of what was said or was happening. It seemed he’d had some sort of vision about this site. He didn’t go into too much detail then, but later told me some of what he’d seen.
I was desperate to kick out any manifesting evil spirits, having had lots of training for it but little practice, but it was difficult to get in there as we were in the presence of a Zulu pastor and several other Zulu Christians. In any case, I held onto the wooden cross I carry around with me and prayed constantly in tongues for the whole duration of the encounter.
In the end we prayed outside the building. The guy had managed to get up and walk around, previously he’d claimed not to be able to move or see. During the prayers however another Zulu guy ran into the building screaming. It was all happening down there. Confusion still reigns a little bit.
Zulus are a superstitious lot. That’s why sangomas (traditional healers) make so much money, and it’s a gruesome business. This whole episode freaked a lot of people out. I wasn’t very freaked out or scared, in a country full of superstition and witchcraft I’m just surprised we’ve not seen more of this kind of thing around.
In any case, the conversations in the office afterwards have been good, with people more open to talk about spiritual stuff. And the winds of change are blowing. You can’t just ignore it when evil spirits manifest themselves.
If you understand what I’m going on about please pray for continued protection for us here and for wisdom for me in knowing what to do and when. It’s been an amazing week for me, I’ve never prayed so much or sang so much in worship. God is greater than any pathetic evil spirit. Jesus has won the victory and the devil now stands condemned. The power vested in me by the fact that I’m saved through the blood of Jesus means that I have authority over ALL spirits in the name of Jesus. There is nothing to fear as He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. Nothing can stop the will of God and He will be glorified in this place.
Following these incidents, I’ve been in discussion with the deliverance and healing team from my church. They can’t just come in as a ‘quick fix’, more has to happen. Pray for guidance and open doors to come and work here, the devil might mean all this for bad, but God can and will turn it around for good, if we allow Him to. Pray that more people would turn and give their lives to Jesus, only by doing this can they truly be delivered and saved from further interference on the scale we’ve seen this week.

Interesting that this should happen at the very moment I make my decision to leave soon, and that the main people affected should be close friends of mine. (That’s not to say that people should get worried and avoid me from now on ;-) !!)