Wednesday 5 December 2007

overdue catchup

Apologies for not blogging for a few weeks, every time I got to the internet café I was too exhausted to be creative… I think it was general burnout, probably what was causing my month-long headache etc too.
But on Saturday, Mum and Dad arrived and now it’s time for 2 weeks of fun and relaxation so I am in a better position to write about our adventures!
The journey down for them was long, not helped by the fact that one of the major South African airlines – Nationwide – who we often travel with (but thankfully not this time), had been grounded, leaving many passengers stranded and scrambling for other flights. Mum and Dad flew Air France and South African Airways, which included its own scramble at Paris for a flight which was then delayed 2 hours due to various technical difficulties and then a smaller plane than planned, meaning cramped sleeping conditions.. The joys of flying long haul!
They arrived late at Jo’burg and missed the connecting flight. They had been transferred onto another flight but the Air France staff were on lunch and didn’t bother to ensure that Mum and Dad were informed of this fact. In any case, I managed to arrive late at Durban airport, have a leisurely lunch and read a large section of ‘Become a Better You’ by Joel Osteen. They arrived at 4.30pm, 3 hours late and rather exhausted by the whole ordeal, by which time I was at least 3 steps closer to being a better me.
But the weather here is great and we are staying in a lovely apartment in Westville, on the outskirts of Durban. It’s conveniently close to Pavilions ‘Shopping Mecca’ and also to the M13, making it very easy to get to mine whilst avoiding the traffic of the city centre.
The apartment is very tastefully decorated in the traditionally modern South African style with dark brown wooden furniture and a fantastic bath. Because I don’t have one, I tend to appreciate baths the most in places I stay. There’s also a lovely pool, but so far we’ve not had time to indulge.