New bike, but it's much more fun lying on the grass posing...
Very hot.
There was a big storm last night, and I would have hoped that it would have been cooler today as a result, but no. It's still hot.
But then I am in Pietermaritzburg right now and that's always a few degrees hotter than the rest of the area...
Anyway, as usual I've ended up in an internet cafe without the photos I wanted to upload, so I've put in a few more of my favourite kids, just because I can.
I am extremely tired. Need prayer for energy. Fell asleep on Sunday morning in church and am having difficulty getting up in the mornings (but then it is hot!). In any case, there are a lot of emotions flying around the office here for one reason and another and it's difficult not to get caught up in them, even though none of them are directly aimed at me... I need wisdom to be a good counsellor when called on.
Have packed my box of stuff to send home. It's going to cost me but then I want to keep these few things and Emirates would charge me more than what I'm paying... Now it's back to the report writing (when I can summon enough energy to focus!)
Have found a job that I really want to do in the UK, not sharing more details but pray that if this is the one for me that all would go well. Strange that it should appear in the adverts just as I wished it too. Either that's God providing or it's a big distraction. In either case, time will tell, but I need to get the application in soon...