Monday 1 October 2007


It's amazing how tired one can get here. The weather has been awful and it's chucked it down with rain since about 2 days ago which is depressing and muddy. No thunderstorms, but it's only a matter of time...

I thought I'd poisoned myself last week on some dodgy turkey, but now I think it must have been a tummy bug cos Catherine went down with it last night and we've pretty much eaten the same food. Am glad I didn't get it as bad as her, although I still had to take last Thursday off to rest. This actually was good for me as I had been stupidly tired and that way I had some energy for the weekend of work. I'm finding more and more that I'm totally exhausted at the end of each day, frequently falling asleep in front of the TV or with the light on...

Where is the sun?

The baby (see previous blog) has been a little ray of sunshine. I got her a few toys and a playmat as she had nothing. These stay in my house as otherwise they'd be trashed by the other kids in seconds. She comes over and loves playing. In the space of a week she's learnt that if she pulls the lion's tail it sings and that the toy book has things to pull too. She's nearly crawling, is getting in position... it won't be long. This child has spent the first 6 months of her life in the sugar cane of Swayimane, sleeping at night in a rickety old valley toilet. Considering that, she's positively a child genius! ;-)