Thursday 3 May 2007


I love my kids.

They are the best.

It's so nice after a day in the office (a very productive few days actually, what's going on? I'm in shock!?!) to wander down and catch up with the kids here on site. They are always pleased to see me, even if I do put my years of child behaviour management into practice almost immediately (it comes as second nature) and so often end up instructing children not to do certain things.

Today was lovely though. We have a couple of trampolines on site that the kids can use and the creche were down there bouncing. They wanted to go on the jungle gym (but sadly it's fallen into disrepair and they have to be banned - anyone got some spare cash to restore it please?!?!) but settled instead for a little walk.
So it was that I set off with M(aged 2), S(aged 3 and a half) and L (3 as well) for a short walk to the edge of the field. It had to be correspondingly short with the length of their legs... We came across some wild flowers and another older child picked some for me. Sweet. I tried to educate my little ones in the art of boys giving girls flowers (you are NEVER too young to learn) M did understand that he should give them, he even learnt that they smelt nice, but then he ripped them to shreds before he could give them to anyone! But he'll get there. They are also really into having their photos taken (something to do with having so many volunteers working with them) and they wanted to pose at every opportunity. M wanted to see the snakes, but thankfully there weren't any (it's a little too cold now).

Earlier in the afternoon 2 of the teenagers visited the offices to talk to someone about money. We nearly managed to convince them that the dogs on site actually work in the office and take messages from one room to another. Patches was asleep under my desk at the time so she was taking a break, but Topsy was around to take them to the end of the corridor. They are certainly more efficient than the sheep, who is still on the prowl to eat any paper he can find. Some people have child/baby gates, we have to have a sheep gate on the main door...

The beauty of having bank holidays is that the week always seems shorter. Especially when Monday and Tuesday are holidays. My weekend off starts tomorrow! Hurrah! I'm not going anywhere though, got painting to do and little odd-jobs to catch up on here, but it's nice not to have to be up at a certain time and all the rest...