Thursday 3 May 2007

Passports, the saga continues...

Another semi-fruitless trip to Passport office at Home Affairs this morning. Now we're down to 2 people needing new passports for the tour in July. They don't currently have ID books, although it's in the system. No one will help us until their fingerprints show up on the computer. But no one will give me a number to call to find out when that is.

So, my plan for tomorrow is to find a number, any number to do with Passports, and to make a complete nuisance of myself (in the nicest possible British enquiry way) until someone tells me the prints are up... and then we're off... straight back to the P.port office. Thing is, then it still takes several weeks to get the actual passport... We need some prayer coverage here if you can help, thanks! Time is rather short, but it's not run out yet! There's still hope...