Saturday morning saw us heading down to Durham, to stay in St Chad's College. Having studied at John's College (next door), it was great to be a bit nostalgic, although there wasn't much time to wander. I went for dinner with D&H, my best friends and former housemates who happened to have stayed around. Was great to catch up and to even video-conference with our other housemate down near London (long live Harvey C! - great memories, we never change!)
The YZWs were initally grumpy at having to carry their luggage in the rain across Kingsgate bridge and up onto the Bailey, as the coach was too big to get closer, but they chilled out playing pool and watching a Mr Bean special evening on Paramount. (hours and hours, I guess almost every single episode..)
All too soon it was time to pack up and move down to Telford. I didn't get chance to even visit John's, but I doubt it's changed much since I was last there 5 years ago, not much else looked different...