Wednesday 4 July 2007

to continue the story...

So the earlier post I'd already written, here's the continuation...

So we were in Central London on Sunday, singing for the 10K runners. The stage happened to be outside a Welsh congregation church and the minister came out to complain about the drums. He was won over though and invited the group in to sing at the 11am service and the congregation (of 4) were totally blown away by the amazing singing and gave us pretty much all the change they had on them that day!

Sunday afternoon saw us on the scenic route through central London heading for Richmond, where the YZWs performed at a special BBQ organised by Richmond Golf Club. Very posh and very lucky that the rain moved on before we got there as the lawns had been flooded in the morning. We spent the night with host families in and around the beautiful area of Richmond.

On Monday we spent the morning being entertained and fed back at the Golf Club, a proper English brunch, it was much appreciated, despite the fact most had been fed at home too! Then we headed straight to Clapham Grand for the evening's performance of Thula Sizwe, the first full show in London.

Quite a lot of people turned up, possibly spurred on by the thought of getting a photo or autograph from Jude (for a donation to GGA, of course!) and the show was amazing. Watching the group perform on a proper stage with all the lights and mics etc was outstanding. It's like having 27 children at the school play ;-)

A highlight for some, so far, was the aftershow party that Jude threw for us at a trendy nightclub. that deserves an entry on its own...