Friday 8 June 2007


More and more children are enjoying an unexpected holiday as the public workers strike continues and the violence increases. In Durban yesterday 5 people were killed during a demonstration outside of a hospital. Schools are being forced to close as threats continue against those who try to work. There are demonstrations in all the major cities and now the ambulance service in Durban have stopped working because of the risk caused by the striking. The situation is bad in hospitals too. It’s all a bit crazy. We’re a week into it now, and the plan is ‘indefinite’. Wonder if this has hit news in the UK or not? At least out here in the Styx we don’t fear riots or demonstrations, at least not yet…

It’s been an atypical evening here so far too. Our farm got broken into so we had to send people over to sort that out, then my car key fell out of my pocket and I had to do a major torchlight retracing of steps to find it. Just as I found it I was chatting with some staff and we heard a car go past on the track and then hit something and crash. So we had to send all the men we could find to go and help out. They had to turn the car to the right side round. The driver wasn’t hurt, thankfully. All this before 7pm!

On a lighter note, I experienced a new shopping centre today in Hillcrest.
It’s so new it’s still being built.
Only in Africa would they open up the shops in a half-built infrastructure.
At least the parking was free, but I had to negotiate builders and cordoned off areas to find a space and everywhere was a bit dusty with that construction dust. The escalators didn’t work and the lifts seemed temperamental. I ventured for the stairs, so far minus banisters (but they were lying nearby!) The shops don’t seem to mind, it was all quite bizarre.

But none of that was as bizarre as the curry-flavoured focaccia I bought for lunch.
Now that is just wrong. Curry and focaccia.
It wasn’t too bad, but no self-respecting Italian would ever make that combination, or buy it for that matter. It looked innocent enough, but no… the curry flavouring was lurking beneath the cheesy top…

The only other bit of news is that I have found myself shamelessly addicted to Facebook… I can’t be the only one to be sucked in to this mode of communication… it’s so ridiculously easy to use. So far I’ve discovered that at least 2 of my friends are pregnant and one more got married ages ago (thanks for telling me guys! ;-) )