Friday 1 June 2007

ho hum...

well, there's not that much to report at the moment really.
I'm struggling to fight off a cold so that means I've been working in the office and then catching up briefly with the kids after work and then chilling out in my house. This has been a good week for Zulu lessons though and I'm now onto chapter 13 of my book (only 4 more to go!) .
Tomorrow I'm off to a traditional celebration of Lobola in the valley, which should be good. I'll put a proper post up about that next week. It's the celebration of when a man has finally paid all the 'cows' for the woman he wants to marry and only then can the sheep be slaughtered and the festivities begin. Should be interesting. Need to find my long skirt...

The weather has now settled to a 'cool' 25 degrees C, tough life eh, it means that in 22 days when I get out of the plane at Gatwick I'm still going to feel cold, probably. The whole weather, season, academic year differences thing has really got me confused! Hence the stinking cold!!!

For all you 'facebook' fans, I'm now registered, but haven't got around to seeking people out yet, I know it's taking off big time so please look me up and add me to your 'friend' list if you get chance! ;-)

oh and my cellphone is apparently fixed, picking it up this afternoon so hopefully I'll be back to fast internet connection (and that means photos!) later on today! ;-)

Have a good weekend, whatever you get up to!