Sunday 8 April 2007

Beware the Easter Monkey...

Happy Easter everyone!

Our Easter Sunday was a bit different this year. Instead of a morning service (we couldn't find a church that wasn't in Afrikaans!), we were treated to early morning entertainment by a troupe of Vervet monkeys who used the Acacia tree adjoining our balcony as a landing strip for their daredevil leaps from the building roof.

It started quietly with a solitary female preening herself on a branch closest to the balcony. She was presently joined by another female and a rather large male monkey. They were swifly followed by about another 12 monkeys of varying sizes and ages, all of whom peered over the gutter to check it was safe to leap.
By now a small crowd of residents had gathered to watch the show and the monkeys were treated to bread from the guy in the flat below. He kept trying to throw to one monkey in the tree, who wasn't very apt at catching small pieces of bread, maybe he knew that a larger piece would be thrown up there next and he managed to catch that (he almost got a round of applause from the audience). One female monkey gave the same man an evil look when he considered trying to retrieve a piece of bread that had fallen near her. Never mess with monkeys, no matter how cute they seem to be...

In the meantime L&R had managed to get enough monkey photos to last us all week! (which I'll add when it's working!)