Saturday 28 April 2007

A Wintery Saturday…

It’s cold here today. The weather says it’s ‘very cold’, but in fact it’s more like 16 degrees, which for a Brit wouldn’t be classed as ‘cold’, except when one is used to regular temperatures in the mid 30’s…

I’m feeling it even more as I woke up ill this morning, something weird. Hope not caught at hospital, but I can’t eat much cos I’m so nauseous (definitely something is wrong!!!) and am all shivery and dizzy ;-( … when I finally got out of bed I wrapped up warm, but I won’t be venturing far outside my house today. I hope it’s only a passing thing and not something more serious, but in this environment you can’t be too careful. The bugs are everywhere! Maybe it’s flu, but as I’m ‘in charge’ for the next 4 days, it’s not good timing!

I did, however, have to go and give a message to the Kitchen, and on the way I passed the few remaining kids who opted not to squish in the library to watch the ‘Kaiser Chiefs v Orlando Pirates’ soccer game. How quiet will this place be in 2010 if this is what happens when soccer is on…

Those who were left were just starting to weed the new project that is the vegetable garden. HJ had the bright idea of getting them to take responsibility for their plants, which were planted a few weeks ago during the Easter Holidays when the Scottish nurses were over and keen to enthuse the naughtier boys about the wonders of growing vegetables. I’m no expert but with 7 plots there were a lot of weeds, but they’ll make a start… The veggies are already coming up, G proudly showed me the radishes that were poking their heads up, but he then complained about his plot being a bit dry and needing some water… He’s really taken to the idea of growing things, which is great. It’s a very positive project which kept some of the younger ones occupied for days over the holidays, and it’s capacity building too for the future.

The only problem is, our kids eat anything they find on the trees and bushes around, it’s difficult to stop them. They love oriental guavas and passion fruit, even though neither are ripe yet. The bananas are relatively safe, being higher up, but I expect they too will get the same treatment in due course. Amazingly they never complain about poorly tummies, or not to us in any case!

Will the radishes be safe?

Or will they meet the same fate of never growing up to be the radishes they are meant to be. Or is their destiny to be a deterrent for the above actions?!

Tune in in a few weeks to find out…